UK's ONLY instant commercial waste pricing at your fingertips - No more quotes or callbacks

An AI-powered platform that offers instant dynamic pricing for commercial waste collection in the UK. The platform uses advanced algorithms to analyse waste collection data, real-time market trends, and demand patterns to provide businesses with the most competitive pricing options for waste disposal.


Why CleanWaste

Our AI platform instantly analyzes waste data, market trends, and demand patterns to offer businesses the most competitive pricing for commercial waste collection in the UK.

RealTime Market Insights

Access up-to-the-minute data on waste collection, ensuring your business benefits from the latest market trends and competitive pricing options.

Tailored Pricing Solutions

Our advanced algorithms customize pricing based on your unique waste disposal needs, optimizing costs and enhancing efficiency for commercial waste management.

Instant Quote Generation

Experience seamless and quick pricing with our platform, providing instant quotes that reflect the current market dynamics and your specific waste disposal requirements.

Transparent Analytics Dashboard

Gain insights into your waste disposal costs and performance through a user-friendly dashboard, promoting transparency and informed decision-making for sustainable waste management strategies.

Revolutionizing Waste Management with AI

At CleanWaste, we are at the forefront of revolutionizing waste management in the UK through cutting-edge artificial intelligence. Founded on the principles of innovation and sustainability, our platform harnesses advanced algorithms to redefine how businesses approach commercial waste disposal.

OWith a mission to empower businesses with dynamic pricing solutions, we bring real-time market intelligence to the forefront.

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09 We have Years of experience

Take Control of Your Waste Costs Today!

Unlock unparalleled efficiency with our AI-powered platform. Seamlessly optimize and manage your commercial waste disposal costs for a sustainable and cost-effective future.

Sign Up
Pricing Table

Perfect Pricing Plan

Chose the plan that serves you the best


£ 0.00 / Month


10 requests

Real-time market insights

Limited quote generation

Basic analytics dashboard

Purchase Now



£ 24.99 / Month


Upto 100 requests

Enhanced quote generation

Tailored pricing solutions

Transparent analytics dashboard

Purchase Now

£ 49.99 / Month


Unlimited requests

Priority access to market trends

Instant quote generation

Premium analytics Feature

Flexible scheduling options

Dedicated customer support

Purchase Now

Discover What Our Users Say


Any Questions? Look Here

Explore common queries about CleanWastebelow for quick answers to enhance your recruitment experience.

How does Pricing work?

Pricing is tiered with features such as real-time insights and quote generation. Choose a plan that fits your needs.

Is there a free trial?

Yes, the Free Plan offers basic features for you to experience our platform with no upfront cost.

Can I cupgrade my plan?

Absolutely! Upgrade at any time to access more advanced features and optimize your waste management further.

How secure is my data?

Your data is our priority. We employ robust security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your information.

Our Team Members

Our Creative Team

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.

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Melissa Tatcher

Marketing Expert

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Stuard Ferrel

Digital Marketer

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Eva Hudson

Creative Designer

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Jackie Sanders

SEO Expert


Let's talk about your problem.

Our Location

Unit 4, Durham Workspace, Abbey Road, Durham DH1 5JZ

How Can We Help?

+44 (0333)1886566

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